The autochthonous, national minorities in Europe came together at the 67th FUEN Congress
The 67th Congress of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) was held in Pécs/Fünfkirchen/Pečuh, Hungary on 7-10 September 2023. The Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), representing the Western Thrace Turks; the Public Organisation of Meskhetian Turks “VATAN” representing the Meskhetian Turks and the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People representing the Crimean Tatars (QTMM), from the members of the FUEN Working Group of Turkic Minorities/Communities (TAG) attended the Congress hosted by the German minority in Hungary. “Duslyk”, an organisation of Bashkirs from Ukraine, also attended the Congress as a guest.
At the Congress, the situation of national minorities in Hungary was discussed and the minority rights and protection of minorities in Europe were assessed.
In his opening speech at the Congress attended by approximately 200 people from 26 countries, FUEN President and Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Loránt Vincze indicated that Hungary has an important place in the history of FUEN because the first congress following the fall of the Iron Curtain was held in Budapest and that it was precisely in that congress that FUEN opened up to Central and Eastern Europe. Noting that FUEN has become the largest minority rights defender organisation in Europe, Vincze added that FUEN is now a leading organisation for European and international organisations.
In the panel sessions held on 7-8 September, the Hungarian minority law, the situation of national and ethnic minorities living in Hungary, and current developments with respect to minority policies in Europe were discussed in a broad context.
The FUEN award, which is awarded to names who have made outstanding contributions to the protection of autochthonous national minorities and linguistic groups in Europe, was presented this year to Renate Schnack, former Minorities Commissioner of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
The draft resolutions submitted by Western Thrace Turks, Rhodes, Kos and Dodecanese Turks, Meskhetian Turks and Crimean Tatars were adopted
At the FUEN Assembly of Delegates on 9 September, FUEN TAG Spokesman Halit Habip Oğlu and FUEN Vice President Nabi Ibrahimcik informed the delegates about FUEN TAG’s 2022-2023 activities.
The main draft resolution FUEN, which called for the protection of the national minorities in Ukraine and the establishment of a permanent advisory body between policymakers and national minorities in Europe under the auspices of the European Parliament, was adopted.
The draft resolutions submitted by the Turkish community in Western Thrace, Rhodes, Kos and Dodecanese Turks, Meskhetian Turks and Crimean Tatars were adopted with the votes of the delegates at the FUEN Assembly of Delegates.
Six new organisations become member of FUEN
As a result of the voting in the Assembly of Delegates, Bretons from France, Germans from Switzerland, Rusyns from Hungary, and German organisations from Serbia joined the FUEN family. In addition, the Friuli Philological Society from the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region of Italy joined FUEN as a new member organisation with a supporting member status.
With the decision taken by the Assembly of Delegates, the 2024 FUEN Congress will be held in Husum/Hüsem, Germany, hosted by the Northern Frisians on 19-22 September 2024.